Soft skills are as important as hard skills as reported by ninety-seven percent of employers surveyed. This is because they’ve realized just how much soft skills contribute to productivity and the overall culture of their business. […]
4th installment of a 5 part series: Humans are complex. We know this. Yet, organizations still assume that just putting a bunch of talented people together will ensure the success of that team. Unfortunately, it’s […]
Most people make quick judgments about other people based on what they do, not why they do it. But if you want a strong team, you need to understand they whys and personalities at play.
No company or organization starts out with a mission statement that includes “strive for a terrible working environment.” But it happens. And it happens because people—smart, ambitious, interesting, excellent humans—are thrown together on a team and expected to figure out how to navigate the dynamics, Survivor-style.