At Brilliant People, we believe in creating awesome company culture through connection and community in the workplace. It really is the most important thing when you consider that PEOPLE make up a company. Whether an owner, manager, or worker bee – each of us has the power to create an environment that nurtures and sustains people within the organization. Culture can come from amazing programs put into place by HR, or an occasional check-in focused on HOW people are doing, rather than WHAT they’re doing. It can also be a simple smile from one employee to another, passing in the hall, or across the zoom screen. All of these things boost our mental health and create space for more productivity, as well as improving the company’s bottom line.
Improving Culture Improves Mental Health
Research has shown that safe and open communication in an organization is vital to employee engagement and well-being. Supervisors who are communicative are more likely to create a feeling of connection with their direct reports. This level of comfort inspires a willingness to divulge symptoms of stress around work or the work environment. When employees are transparent about their needs, they’re less stressed and managers can actually help them through the situation. And, managers who truly support their people motivate them to do their best even when things aren’t perfect. It’s a win-win across the board.
As mentioned in our guest blog post Building Resilience Amidst Uncertainty (Part 2), by Cait Ross, “One of the most basic needs of our brain is attachment & belonging. As humans, we are neurobiologically hardwired for human connection… When we feel authentically connected to the people we work with, our brains and bodies feel safe.”
How Good Company Culture Improves the Virtual Workplace
Ever heard the phrases: “culture on the walls” vs “culture in the halls?” An article by LaMarsh Global highlights the difference between these two. “Culture on the walls” has to do with the “official definition of the organization’s culture.” “Culture in the halls” refers to the “true culture that employees experience and contribute to.” I’m sure we’ve all felt the difference between these two types of culture in the workplace. I really appreciate the article’s transparency around what we all know to be true. In some organizations, although they may say company culture is amazing, the reality is very different. Norms created inside organizations either align with the values and mission of the company or don’t. When they don’t, problems arise. This can happen under normal circumstances, much less the uncertain world we’re currently living in due to the pandemic.
With that in mind, the first step is to audit your corporate culture to make sure it aligns with who the company says it is. Next, consider questions like: What are the management styles? How is employee engagement? What is the reaction to change? These are important whether you’re physically in the office or not. Connection in the workplace is often driven by managers and/or HR, but it’s also important for the individual employee to be proactive. At Brilliant People, our motto is “say no to status quo.” This means being disruptive in a positive way by creating solutions around the problem you see. It means asking yourself if you’re going to be a part of the problem or a part of the solution? It’s your choice, but wouldn’t it be amazing if something you said or did helped create more cohesive and collaborative teams at work?
The Bottom Line
The Hay Group, a global management consulting firm, recently reported that engaged workers are 43 percent more productive. Employees who feel connected to people they work with are more inclined to bring their best self to work every day. Even if they’re just walking from their bedroom to the kitchen table. They’re encouraged and inspired. Companies then reap the benefits of less turnover, fewer mistakes, an increase in productivity, and improvements in overall customer satisfaction. All good reasons for each employee to want to go all-in on awesome company culture.
Leading The Charge
Investing in your company culture is the most important thing you can do. At the heart of overused phrases like “employee engagement” and “leadership training” is the basic understanding that immense value comes from creating a connected, compassionate internal culture. Understanding the drivers of culture can help improve overall employee performance. This is especially important now while we all work to solidify this new normal. For some companies, the virtual landscape is here to stay. This means that companies have to clarify what they want their culture to be and then bring it to life through employee experience. Ultimately, the goal is to create a strong culture, whether you’re virtual or in-person. Our leadership development training focuses on personality, trust, conflict, and team building – all things that lead to great company culture. Give us a call today to get started!
The Culture (R)evolution Starts With You.
This post was originally published on December 4, 2020.
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