5th installment of a 5 part series: YOUR PERSONALITY TYPE AND STRESS RESPONSE Read Part 4! Meet Brilliant Billy As a Conscientious personality type, Billy’s real strength as a workmate is his aim for […]
4th installment of a 5 part series. The Steady personality type under stress will often dig their heels in and stick to their old routines. They need a stable environment and are very reluctant to […]
3rd installment of a 5 part series: Read Part 2! The Influencer under stress is not a pretty sight. Take Brilliant Betty for instance. Betty is extroverted, loves people and is terrific at bringing people […]
2nd installment of a 5 part series: Click to read Part 1! The Dominant under stress can trigger problems on a team. They can make for a not-so-happy work environment on a normal day, much […]
There are so many amazing causes in the world that people get involved with and choose to champion. At Brilliant People, one of ours is Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking (DMST). I know. It’s a horrible […]